My friends, today I am here to bestow the honour of greatness upon a group of fantasy hockey heroes. This group of fantasy warriors put their money where their mouthes are and stepped up by entering a top-20 calibre fantasy team. Today, we announce the winners of the mid-season NationDrafts pool!
Before I get to the winners list I just want to take a minute to congratulate myself, and my fantasy prowess. Not only did I beat all other Nation writers in the pool, I finished high enough to score myself a prize! I’ll give you guys a minute to think of a good way to properly congratulate me. I’m sure that having a Nation employee win a prize in a Nation contest is probably annoying to some of you, and it is for that reason that I will be giving my prize away. Just another reason to praise me, right? Take a moment to drink in my wonderfulness.
*takes moment*
Good? Good.

If I had the skills and equipment to do a drum roll this is where I would be doing it. From where I sit, there is nothing better than finding out that your brain bucket spilled out enough knowledge to have you win prizes in a hockey pool. From this day forward, the world will have no choice but to praise you for your genius and acknowledge your fantasy prowess. Today, we speak your name.
First up, I offer a big Nation congratulations to WestSizedHalfWayPuckleHeads and humble myself before you! You are our supreme champion for the NationDrafts 2015 mid-season pool and the winner of a $1000 prepaid VISA! WestSizedHalfWayPuckleHeads pretty much led the contest from start to finish, and really didn’t have many challengers right up until the end. A slightly less impressive shout out goes to our 2nd place finisher Hynes Ketchup who is the proud owner of a shiny new $500 prepaid VISA, and our third place winner Schmed1 who is the winner of our “mystery prize.” I promise that the mystery prize is awesome.

Lastly, I want to give a shout out to everyone that entered this round of NationDrafts. Entering our pools helps us raise money for Earth Group, have some fun, and chirp each other. Regardless of whether you won a prize or not, you can take refuge in knowing that you contributed to a great cause. From this blogger to you — I tip my cap.
Big congrats to all of our top 20 winners! We will be contacting you shortly with your prize details.